
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Adventure Awaits

So after taking seven finals last week and having seven days until leaving I've been thinking a lot about school, careers, my future, past, relationships, money, and what it means to follow Christ sincerely. To follow Christ sincerely is to put Him first above all else. I must put Him above school, re-taking classes, student loans, homework, practicing, socializing, working, money...Above everything that gets in the way. It wasn't until I gave God everything that He became my everything.

Jesus lived a life of sacrifice. Therefore, the life of a Christian can't go without a sacrifice of some sort. In order to ensure you make a good grade on a test at times you must sacrifice something, right?Sleep, social interaction, your favorite Why do we sometimes act like Jesus doesn't call us to make a sacrifice? Instead we act as if we've been called to the exact opposite. We act as if we've been called to comfort, apathy, and selfishness. But the more I read the word the more I see scripture after scripture of how Jesus was beat, bloodied up, mocked, abused, denied, tempted, ridiculed, and crucified. I can't help but think of 1 Peter 4:12. Satan will tempt you, attack you, and he's constantly out to destroy you. But God is not Satan and He loves you like crazy. So why not Go and serve Him by serving others? Why not sacrifice a summer, winter, semester, year, money, shifts at work, people's opinions of you, and holidays? It's because of God that blessings exist in the first place. "Praise God to Who ALL Blessings flow." Every good and perfect gift comes from God. I deserve Hell and nothing more. But He has offered mercy and amazing grace! I'm leaving out of the country again in two days and I literally cannot contain my excitement!

THANK YOU to all who've given so generously and willingly. I praise Jesus for each of you whether acquaintance, dear friend, or complete stranger. Thank you for your prayers, support, encouragement and affirmation. I pray God will bless you mightily and know that He is already using you by sending me to share the love of Christ to others around the world who'd most likely never hear of Christ otherwise. Unless someone goes out to their community, city, town, village, hut...cardboard will they hear? I am completely blown away by the provision of God especially financially. God is a God of provision and protection, forever and always. I'm so ready for the adventure the Lord and I are about to embark on! To the ends of the Earth!

"God bring me closer to You on this trip whatever it takes!"

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sleepless in Monroe

Once again I find myself unable to sleep.
Such a strong burden for this lost and dying world...
There are so many things I just don't understand.
Why? Why? Why?

Why do people have no shoes?

Why do we have a more than enough shoes?

Why are kids sleeping on the streets?

Why are kids abandoned?

Why are women degraded?

Why is money such an idol?

Why are people starving?

Why are people dieng from curable diseases?

Why am I the one blessed to live in America?

Why is there no persecution in the United States?

Why do people stay silent on what needs to be voiced?

Why is talk of freedom so hush-hush?

Why have people never heard of Christ?

Why are fellowships more popular than sharing the freakin gospel?

Why is offense glorified more than the lamb who was silent to the slaughter?

Why are the words out of mouths destroying relationships instead of encouraging others?
                                                                                                                   -Ephesians 4:29

I often find myself asking so many questions that seem to remain unanswered. "If only I could find solutions for these issues, maybe this unsettledness would go away..." The truth is, I don't have to have all the answers. I could sit around all day and think of logical ways to make a difference. But that's the thing, God doesn't fit in a box of logic. He is Holy and just. The  enemy likes to make you feel insignificant to the Kingdom. He can use rocks to praise Him, how much more could He use His beloved workmanships? He is Bigger and He will be glorified.

I care for those who are hurting far more than comfort. I'm starting to hurt with them instead of simply for them. My brain wants to explode when I think of the beautiful people I have encountered and shared life with and those I will soon encounter that are suffering so much while I have everything I could ever possibly need. I long to see the world radically changed for His Kingdom. I want to show hope, love, joy, peace, and true faith to others. Not because I'm a big deal but because Jesus is the Big Deal. I want to make His praise glorious to the ends of the earth and see the healing power that's in the name of Jesus break every chain. I dream of people of all nations crying out "Abba, Father." -experiencing His Love and never being the same again.

So as I sit here all worked up, burdened, frustrated, heartbroken, and full of passion...I become more confident in the mission at hand. Where the enemy wants the consumption of feeling overwhelmed to try and reach the masses, Jesus reminds us that He's for the one. Where we feel defeated, the finished work of the cross testifies to the battle that's already been won. I'm still going to praise Him and declare His promises in the midst of burdens, casting it all to the One who carries them.  

"Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken." -Psalm 55:22

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest." -Matthew 11:28

 "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God." -Romans 8:26-27

Friday, December 10, 2010


God is BIGGER than learning disabilities.
God is BIGGER than divorce.
God is BIGGER than drug addictions.
God is Bigger than the destruction of alcohol.
God is Bigger than 20 hours of school in one semester.
God is Bigger than abuse.
God is Bigger than the process of recovery from abuse.
God is Bigger than depression.
God is Bigger than eating disorders.
God is Bigger than Cancer.
God is Bigger than Malaria and Aids.
God is Bigger than life and death.
God is Bigger than student loans.
God is Bigger than money.
God is Bigger than my understanding of how big God is.
God is Bigger than $3,000 being raised in less than a month for a mission trip.
God is Bigger than persecution.
God is Bigger than temptations.
God is Bigger than relationships.
God is Bigger than those who you look up to.
God is Bigger than those whov'e let you down.
God is BIGGER than a hectic schedule.
God is Bigger than social life.
God is Bigger than apathy.
God is Bigger than injustice.
God is BIGGER than college, pass or fail.
God is Bigger than grad school.
God is Bigger than you and me.
God is Bigger than dreams.

Sometimes, okay scratch that, most of the time I tend to forget that God is BIGGER than the events I hold so vitally important and major in my life. It's good to know God is even Bigger than that. Sometimes you just have to have faith in the fact that God is Bigger. He can be way over my head at times but then so close as to uphold me with His victorious right hand! -Isaiah 41:10.  It blows my mind and at the same time comforts my heart to know God is bigger than what I stress and worry about, even the things I try to beat myself up for. God is Bigger and promises to take care of His children. So take heart, dear friends, situations and circumstances may seem Big, but He is Bigger! Allow Him to take control. He is more than capable of taking care of us. Cling to Christ tighter than your degree plans and transcripts. Christ deserves our Everything. Not 23%, 55%, or even 99% of us. He wants it ALL. He paid it ALL. He is BIGGER.