
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Malawi,AFRICA 2010

So I just recently returned from a little place called Malawi, Africa. I went there along with five other teammates and our BCM director for a mission trip with the task of telling others about this amazing Savior named Jesus Christ.We stayed with Matt and Janet Lawrence,two awesome missionaries who've lived in Malawi for eight years through IMB. They were kind enough to let us stay at there lovely home and provided meals and a place to sleep each night.In Malawi they speak the tribal language called Chichewa.This language has been very fun to learn and surprisingly I've picked up on it quite well(surprisingly cause I'm terrible when it comes to speaking languages,haha).As a team we each had our own individual translators.If I were asked to decribe them in a few words it would most likely be RELENTLESS.STRONG.PASSIONATE.LOVING.KIND HEARTED.PURE.HARD WORKING.INSANELY AWESOME Followers of Yesu(Jesus).And that still wouldn't even begin to do justice to how much they truely fear the Lord and know His word and love to tell others about Christ.They were probably the most inspiring of the whole trip and they had such a love for people that can only come from Christ himself.

It's crazy how things seemed to have come about.Though we did not plan it,each of us and our specific translator paired hit it off instantly.Toddy and Gift were around the same age and were very skilled at teaching and speaking with others.Garrison and Lighter to bring forth scripture like crazy!And rocked out preaching to the churches and discipling.Wes and Louis were both funny guys and had such a passion for God and sharing His love to others.Tiffany and Anita are both very strong woman of God who are very kind and sweet and compassionate.Tiffany and I along with Anita and Merify would group together alot.It was sooo cool to work with such awesome sisters in Christ and feed off eachother.Katie and Magid were both good at teaching others and talking with people as well.

And my wonderful translator Merify and I hit it off in a matter of seconds after meeting eachother!Merify is loud and can talk up a storm!She was incredible with working with children"Anas" and has had a very tough life.Merify has a ten year old daughter and raises her as a single mother.From what I know the father of her child was abusive and the whole situation was just not pretty.It's crazy that we were paired to work together.It was obvious God worked everything together For His Kingdom.It was such an incredible honor and privelage to work with Merify.To learn about her Life.The hurt.The struggles.The pain.The heartache.The Joy.The peace.The Hope she had and I could go on for days...She has made a Huge impact on my life and I miss my wokongola chemwali(beautiful sister) oh so much.She inspired me in so many ways and challenged me to learn more about Christ and to continue showing love towards with no holding back.I want to be just like Merify when I grow up =)
anga wokongola chemwlai Merify
"My Beautiful sister"

cheering after we finished shelling a bucket of maze(corn)

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